
The only men i can d.ate are fair Sakawa boys


A young Nigerian lady has gone viral after disclosing the types of men she like to date during a Tiktok Q&A.

 According to this lady, who appears to be in her early twenties, the only guys she has romantic relationships with are big-time and infamous internet fraudsters.

She went on to say that the internet fraudster or sakawa guy must also be fair-skinned because she dislikes dark men.

This revelation from the lady has raised many eyebrows on the internet, with social media users who have seen the video describing the lady as aimless.

Some have even claimed that one of her numerous sakawa boyfriends will one day use her for spiritual sacrifice.

Many modern women do not wish to work and instead prefer to enjoy opulent lives paid for by males.

These girls typically date sakawa men because they are large spenders, as opposed to 9-5 men who work hard for their money and hence live frugal lifestyles.

We've read and heard stories about ladies being exploited for money rituals by their sakawa partners, but some women would never learn from such events.

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