
Nigerian Man Accused of $7.5M Email Scam: A Case of Alleged Sophisticated Fraud


An individual named Olusegun Samson Adejorin from Nigeria is currently facing charges in the United States related to an alleged $7.5 billion business email compromise (BEC) scam. 

The scam allegedly targeted two charitable organisations, one located in Maryland and the other in New York. The indictment, which has been unsealed in Maryland, provides a detailed account of a sophisticated scam operation that took place from June to August 2020.

Exploring the Scam

Based on the indictment, it is alleged that Adejorin gained unauthorised access to worker email accounts by posing as authorised personnel. 

This method was used to coordinate the unauthorised transfer of funds from the New York charity's account held by the Maryland charity. In order to facilitate this deception, Adejorin reportedly utilised a credential harvesting tool, fabricated fictitious domain names, and manipulated email accounts to conceal his actions.

Arrest and Possible Consequences

Adejorin was arrested in Ghana on December 29, 2023, and is currently awaiting his first court appearance there. If found guilty, the potential consequences are quite serious. He may be subject to a maximum of 20 years for each count of ligament fraud, 5 years for unauthorised machine access, and 2 years for aggravated individuality theft. Penalties may increase for misuse of domain sanctions.

Successful Apprehension through Collaborative Efforts

The FBI's Baltimore Field Office, in successful collaboration with Ghanaian authorities and international partners, played a crucial role in Adejorin's arrest. U.S. Attorney Erek L. Barron expressed gratitude for the collective efforts of various agencies in the investigation and arrest of Adejorin.

 It is crucial to emphasise that an indictment does not imply guilt, but rather signifies the serious charges filed by the U.S. Attorney's Office.


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