
Exposing Cheddar's Dubious Presidential Ambition

Insiders familiar with Nana Kwame Bediako, also known as Cheddar or Freedom Jacob, have shared that the businessman has been quietly nurturing a desire to become president, under the guise of a new force movement.

Cheddar stated that his movement, the new force, was not driven by a desire for the presidential office, but rather by a mission to liberate Africa. Speaking after a planned public lecture event he had organised was cancelled, the 43-year-old businessman expressed his belief in a bright future for Africa.

The scheduled public lecture, known as "The Convention," was arranged by the New Africa Foundation. The event included P.L.O. Lumumba from Kenya, Peter Obi from Nigeria, Julius Malema from South Africa, and Dr. Arikana Chihombori-Quao from Zimbabwe. The lecture was scheduled to cover the topic, "Igniting the Voices of Africa."

During a press conference to announce the cancellation, Mr. Bediako revealed that he was the individual responsible for the New Force Movement. Billboards featuring a masked man were prominently displayed throughout the town. According to him, the reasons for the cancellation prompted him to reveal his identity earlier than planned. He expressed his desire to discuss his policies at the appropriate moment.

He portrayed himself as a saviour for Ghana and Africa, dedicated to the development of the continent. I pose no threat. I am here to offer my assistance and support. I believe in the power of collaboration and teamwork. I have decided to invest in you. 

It is important to provide education. It is important to prioritise the well-being and development of our children. It would be beneficial to express our thoughts to them.

 I will provide you with information about this man in the mask as I have remained silent and you have been searching for me. I haven't mentioned my political preferences, religious beliefs, or stance on conventions or revolutions. After this day, I kindly request that you patiently await the sharing of my policies and visions," he stated.

According to sources close to him, it was his ambition to run for office during the December 7 general election. According to a source, it was revealed that the individual's statement about not being involved in politics was inaccurate. 

It seems that their intention was to utilise the Convention as a platform to kickstart their presidential campaign.The government's decision to cancel Cheddar's convention was made due to concerns about the organisers' lack of transparency regarding the event's true purpose. 

In a statement, the Ministry for Information acknowledged the press release issued by the New Africa Foundation. The Ministry took note of their concerns regarding the New Africa Convention, which is set to occur on January 7, 2023, at the Independence Square in Accra.

The cancellation of the New Africa Convention by the Government of Ghana was based on the organisers' lack of transparency regarding the true purpose of the event. In their official correspondence to the Office of the President, the Ministry stated that the event organisers requested to use the Independence Square for the Black Star Line Music and Arts Festival 2024.

Contrary to that, the Government received reports through the National Security Apparatus indicating that the venue had been secured under false pretences by the New Africa Foundation for the purpose of hosting a political event. 

Additional reports have revealed that there are concerns about potential disruptions and violence during the upcoming political event organised by the New Africa Foundation. These developments raise concerns about the potential impact on national security.

Mr. Bediako and his New Force have once again found themselves in the news for unfortunate reasons, marking the second time in less than a month. In December, Shalimar Abbiusi, a 30-year-old Belgian national, was deported from Ghana for allegedly obtaining a permit through fraudulent means. She was alleged to have violated section 52 (1) (i) of the Immigration Act 2000 (Act 573), specifically "Obtaining for Yourself a Student Permit by False Declaration."

The Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) has charged her with falsely declaring herself as a student of the Ghana Christian University College in the Greater Accra Region, with the intent to evade legal requirements.

 The alleged incident occurred on or before September 23, 2023. It has been alleged that Abbiusi deliberately provided false information, resulting in the acquisition of a student permit with the number 0088754.


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