
A group protests the E-levy and petitions Parliament

Members of a group calling itself Justice for Ghana on Wednesday, December 8, 2021 offered a demonstration against the Electronic Sale Tax (E-Levy) contained in the 2022 Budget.  

 Numbering about 30, the group gathered on the Efua Sunderland Park for the exercise from where, at about 9a.m, they walked to the Ridge Roundabout and at the Parliament House, they presented a solicitation to the legislative body asking the government to take back the 2022 Budget and re-present a new bone that speaks to the bournes of Ghanaians. 

 Mattresses and pillows 

 Amidst singing and dancing, the protestors also held posters with eulogies similar as, “ Sky bath tax,” “ E- killer,” “ Civil retainers also earn 79 pay rise,” “ Country is hard, our ladyloves are moving to Togo, and” Trying types poor citizens, it does n’t make a country,” among others. 

 The demonstrators were also seen carrying mattresses and pillows with an intention to pass the night at the demesne of the Parliament House. 

 Plug leakages 

 In the new budget, the group said, the government must show easily how it would plug profit leakage, discipline pillaging of the public bag to make corruption monstrous and not adding on new levies for the Ghanaian taxpayer. 

“ We're resolved to repel anything short of this and solicit our representatives in Parliament to unanimously repel same in Parliament, if the government refuses to budge on the budget nuisance,” the Convener of the group, Mr Bernard Mornah, said while presenting the solicitation. 

 Heavy security 

 The group was met with heavy security presence at the Parliament House which averted them from entering the structure. 

 This led to a brief battle between the leadership of the group and the security help. 

 Still, calm was latterly restored when the security agreed to allow the leaders to enter the demesne. 

 The Deputy Majority Chief Whip and NPP Member of Parliament for Ayawaso West Wuogon, Ms Lydia Seyram Alhassan, entered the solicitation on behalf of the House. 


“ Ghanaians believe that the ornamental concessions of President Akufo-Addo as articulated by the finance minister failed to address the giant in the room, the nuisanceE-Levy or MoMo Tax. 

 Ghanaians have suffered during the recent sit down strike by motorists, the effect of energy prices that soared because of the numerous nuisance levies on a litre of energy,” Mr Mornah said. 


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