
Nana Nketia Boampong II was subsequently destooled for fraud and perjury.

Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, the Asantehene, has stripped Nana Nketia Boampong II, the Chief of Kwaso, a town in the Ejisu-Juaben Municipality, of his kingship due to an alleged fraud case.

His destoolment came less than two weeks after Nana Kwame Owusu Agyeman, the chief of Antoa, was destooled by the Asantehene for breaking traditional practises and making repeated land purchases.

The Asanteman Traditional Council tribunal held a lengthy hearing at the Manhyia Palace before convicting the Kwasohene of cheating some Kwaso royals.

He is accused of having promised to give over a vacant chieftaincy position in exchange for some money totaling Gh300,000.

The Kwaso chief was accused for his role in repeated land purchases, according to the council's probe after he initially denied the allegations.

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