
What Will Happen to Jack, Charmaine, and Other Characters in Season 5 of Virgin River, as the EP Unpacks Finale Twists?

We believe Toucan Sam may have ghostwritten Virgin River's fourth season finale because it so thoroughly confused viewers. So, this is a significant question for us: What on earth happens after that? 

The Netflix drama's fifth season is already in production, and while its new showrunner Patrick Sean Smith is cautious to spill too many details, he is prepared to give TVLine a preview of the drama that will still be in store for characters like Mel, Jack, Charmaine (ugh! ), and others. 

We quizzed Smith on almost every significant Season 4 shock, from the likelihood of Ricky's return from basic training to Mel giving birth to Jack's child. 

Although Smith is aware that viewers are nearly salivating at the prospect of Mel and Jack exchanging vows, this does not guarantee that the event of our dreams will take place right immediately. 

You really want to savor everything you can because Mel and Jack are such an awesome relationship, he explains. "We want to enjoy [their engagement] while we can, but we never want things to feel like they're stalled. Because of all the tasks they have ahead of them and in anticipation of [a wedding] in the future, we are proceeding at that pace. 

Can Mel Expect a Baby in Season 5? 

We're even more excited to witness Virgin River's it couple welcome the next generation now that we know Mel is expecting Jack's child. It's uncertain when we'll actually see that happen, though, given how slowly time goes on this show — hello, Charmaine has been pregnant since Season 1 

According to Smith, "one of the things I noticed was how slowly things go on the show." We want the story to flow, so it can be challenging to locate time leaps within it, but I'm attempting to lengthen the timeframe as naturally as I can without having it appear abrupt. (For the record, Smith affirms there is no time jump and that Season 5 picks up where Season 4 left off.) 

Can Preacher now live a normal life? 

It's very plausible that Preacher may finally enjoy his life without continuously scanning his surroundings after his encounter with Vince in the finale. Preacher must, of course, still resolve a few other issues before continuing. 

Smith adds of Preacher, "I love his character so much because he's so unique to television. Few guys possess such a strong sense of honor, purpose, and truth. He most certainly brings that into his interactions. Season 5 will discuss how Paige and Christopher fit into his life. Julia is another option, and she is sort of standing by. He has a lot of women waiting for him to decide which direction to take. We're also learning more about his extramarital affairs. About him, we don't know a lot. We'd adore to watch him engage in conversation with unexplored personalities. 

Cameron, are you staying? 

After his awkward conversation with Mel, Cameron was prepared to leave Virgin River behind. Can Mel persuade him to stay at the clinic? 

We anticipated that since actor Mark Ghanime appeared in the Zoom table read for the Season 5 premiere, he would be a permanent fixture. 

Smith explains, "Well, you know he's in the first episode, I'll tell that much. You must wait till Season 5 to find out.


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